Meet Eleanor
Hello and welcome to my online home! I am a journalist and visual creator. My areas of interest are multi-media, visual journalism, particularly online and travel pieces.
I have always loved photography, ever since I was able to experiment with a camera at a young age and journalism for me incorporates the things I have grown to love. I enjoy travelling and the fast paced nature of the media industry.
I want to focus on stories that show the world, different people and cultures and use this, my Just Journo site as a place to keep all my work together and share what I have created.
Follow my footprints...
'Fernweh,' the ache to explore faraway places.
~ A combination of the German words 'fern', meaning distance, and 'wehe', meaning an ache.
Latest From the Blog

Mobile Video Portrait
I recently interviewed aspiring singer/songwriter Danni Gearing in a video portrait. The interview covers different aspects of her career and aspirations. https://youtu.be/cir6Gnrp1AA

Multimedia Team Reporting
For my latest project I had to do live coverage of an event of our choice. As a group we decided to do the ‘No

Six Day Series London
Day two of the Six Day Series at Lee Valley VeloPark, October 22-27 2019, hosted at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford, combining track cycling

Humans of Kingston Project
“My proudest work to date has been through my love for fashion photography and graphics, with the creation of putting a publication together.” October 2019: